St. Stanislaus Oratory
Sunday Masses
8:00 AM (Low Mass with organ)
10:00 AM (High Mass)
12:00 Noon (Low Mass)
Monday-Thursday Mass
12:00 Noon (Low Mass)
Friday Mass
6:30 PM (Low Mass)
Saturday Mass
9:00 AM (Low Mass)
Saturday English Mass
4:00 PM (Sunday Obligation)
Please see the bulletin for any other eventual Masses.
Special Notice:
DAILY MASS ATTENDEES PLEASE BE CAREFUL when driving and backing up in the parking lots.
Children are present and difficult to see.
The street parking along 5th street in front of the church and school is clearly posted as a NO PARKING ZONE during school hours. Park at your own risk.
Please utilize the 5th Street parking lot to avoid parking problems.
If you park along the alley way off of 6th Street, please move car promptly after Mass as not to interfere with the school afternoon student pick up time.
Thank you for your continued cooperation keeping the children who attend school safe.
St. Stanislaus Ongoing Events
Coffee and Donut Social after 8 am and 10 am Mass in church hall on the first Sunday of each month, except summer months
Adoration and Benediction after every Friday 6:30 pm Mass
Little Innocents Pro-Life Mass (sponsored by Sursum Corda) - the THIRD MONDAY of each month at 6 p.m.
Institute News
Live Stream
About St. Stanislaus
Institute of Christ the King
This is an apostolate of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest.
The Institute is dedicated to promoting the benevolent reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ in all aspects of human life for the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls by restoring Catholic life & culture in the world today.
Parish Administrator and Rector
Rev. Canon Benoît Jayr, Rector
Assisting Priests
Rev. Canon Erwan Josseaume, Vicar
Rev. Canon David Le, Chaplain of Sheboygan apostolate
Fr. Cliff Ematinger
Fr. Ronald Kotecki (Saturday English parish Mass)
Clergy of the Oratory
Abbé George Baird, Clerical Oblate
Emergency Phone: 414-335-3124
Mrs. Jo Ann Neumann, Secretary
Mr. Christopher Berry, Director of Sacred Music
Mr. Fabian Qamar, Associate Director of Sacred Music
Mr. Mark Schuh, English Mass Organist
Address: | 524 W. Historic Mitchell Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53204 |
Emergency Phone: | 414-335-3124 | Phone: | 414-226-5490 |
Fax: | 414-226-5534 |
Email: | |