The ancient traditional Gregorian Chant must, therefore, in a large measure be restored to the functions of public worship, and the fact must be accepted by all that an ecclesiastical function loses none of its solemnity when accompanied by this music alone.
Special efforts are to be made to restore the use of the Gregorian Chant by the people, so that the faithful may again take a more active part in the ecclesiastical offices, as was the case in ancient times.
-Tra Le Sollecitudini Instruction on Sacred Music
Motu Proprio promulgated by Pope Pius X on November 22, 1903
The basic as well as the more advanced elements of Gregorian Chant will be the subject of the 2020 Institute of Christ the King Sacred Music Workshop hosted by St. Francis de Sales Oratory in St. Louis, Missouri.
Now his fourth year directing the weekend, Canon Wulfran Lebocq, former choirmaster for St. Philip Neri Seminary in Gricigliano, Italy and now rector of Sacred Heart Church in Limerick, Ireland will be returning to Saint Louis to guide students of all levels in their mastery of Gregorian Chant.
The workshop is set for Friday, May 1 to Sunday, May 3, 2020. All sessions will take place at St. Francis de Sales Oratory, 2653 Ohio Avenue, Saint Louis, MO 63118.
The general sessions are open to all skill levels and will begin at 4:00pm on Friday. Intensive sessions for choirmasters and advanced singers will be offered earlier Friday, starting at 9am.
Topics addressed for the advanced group include chironomy, modality and transposition. The general participants will be exposed to the basics of chant including solfege, pneumes, counting, pronunciation and technique. All music resources will be provided for both groups. All Attendees will sing for at least 3 public liturgies over the course of the weekend in order to immediately put into practice what they will have learned. The weekend culminates with the Solemn High Mass of the Third Sunday after Easter at 10:00am on Sunday, May 3rd.
All interested parties should register online {Click Here to Register}. Payment for the workshop is included as part of the online registration. 2020 fees are $145.00 for advanced participants starting Friday morning and then $95.00 for general participants beginning on Friday evening. Fees cover the cost of sheet music and meals.
Lodging is the responsibility of each workshop participant. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Residence Inn, 525 South Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, MO 63103, (314-866-7500). Please mention “Chant Workshop” when booking to receive rates of $125.00 per night (individual) and $139.00 per night (double). Rates are available until April 9, 2020.
For 2020 we are pleased to announce that lodging arrangements for gentlemen workshop participants 18 years and older will be possible on the Oratory grounds. Monastic cells with shared restroom facilities will be available for $50.00 per night. Interested parties may contact the Oratory Secretary, Mary Hayworth to reserve a room, (314-771-3100). Rooms will be booked according to a first come, first serve basis.
A detailed schedule of events and times will be made available in the near future, as will the sheet music for the Gregorian pieces to be practiced. All questions may be directed to the office staff at St. Francis de Sales Oratory, 314-771-3100.
We look forward to seeing you there!