Immaculate Heart of Mary Gala 2025

Immaculate Heart of Mary 1st Annual Gala Fundraiser Dinner

Saturday, April 26


(updated: 01.26.25) 

Dear faithful,              

We are announcing today that the venue for our IHM First Annual Fundraising Gala has been changed. The new venue is Palermo Italian Restaurant located at 791 Auzerais Ave. in San Jose and our evening will be called  “A Little Bit of Italy”, reflecting the Institute’s Italian connections. This will allow us to permanently keep the price of tickets for the evening at $150. All other details remain the same. 

Thank you to all who have already purchased tickets. Those tickets will follow you to the new venue. We have had a strong response in ticket sales and are very excited moving forward. This venue is more intimate and will hold a maximum of 160 guests, so please order you tickets soon. 

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the Gala on April 26th. If you have any questions, please ask one of the Gala Committee members.


Canon Raphael Ueda                            

To purchase tickets: GALA - Gala flyer: PDF

If you would like to sponsor clergy or a family so they will be able to attend the Gala, please let us know through

the IHM Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The Gala fundraiser is to help us find a permanent home. Please consider contributing financially by clicking on DONATE. May God bless your generosity! 





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