Calendar of Events


From the desk of Canon Ueda...

 Candlemas February 2, 2025

Today’s feast of Candlemas, which derives its origin from the local custom of Jerusalem, marks the end of the Christmas season. And in order to celebrate this event more fittingly, the Church today blesses candles. The lighted candle is a symbol of the light of faith and which should shine on our soul. It is also the image of Christ, the light of the world, the light to the revelation of the Gentiles, according to Simeon’s canticle. 
For our spiritual life, the light of faith is indispensable. In the beginning of human history, God said, “Let there be light”, and there was light. The light of faith: this is how the Church’s tradition speaks of the great gift brought by Jesus. In St. John’s Gospel, Christ says of himself: “I have come as light into this world, that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness”. Saint Paul uses the same image: “God, who said, let light shine out of darkness, that has shone in our hearts. 
Today’s mass is also called Feast of the Purification of Mary. The ceremony performed by the Blessed Virgin Mary in the temple of Jerusalem 40 days after the birth of Christ in fulfillment of the Mosaic Law requiring the cleansing of a woman from the ritual impurity  at childbirth. 
 Thus today’s liturgy shows a close connection between Purification and light. 
But if a soul wants to have the light of God, he needs to accept challenges and engage in fighting against temptations and actions of impurity, by which so many souls are lost.
God does not ask something impossible but There are a number of remedies which he provides for fighting impurity which surrounds us in the world. These are the remedies to combat temptation before it even presents itself, by strengthening the will to do good and to avoid evil. There are six remedies: flight from the near occasions of sin, frequenting the sacraments, living a good prayer life, seeking recourse to the Blessed Mother Mary, a strong distrust of self, and denial of self. As we shall see, each individual remedy is dependent upon the faithful practice of the other remedies in order to be properly fulfilled. For example, you most likely will not fly from the near occasions of sin if you do not have a strong distrust of self, and you cannot have a strong distrust of self without having a good prayer life, and a good prayer life depends upon frequenting the sacraments, and so on. If you wish to free yourself from impurity or prevent yourself from ever falling into them again, it is only through these methods that you can do so. This is why they are called remedies against impurity. However, if you find that you have great difficulty in overcoming these sins. Christ sometimes allows a soul to fall so he can see how lowly he is, that he might have a great distrust of himself, and rely solely upon Jesus Christ as his Savior and Redeemer. 
May the light of Christ enlighten and purify our hearts and minds so that we can recognize and meet with the person of Jesus Christ. Amen. 
Sincerely yours in Christ, 
Canon Raphael Ueda 

February 2025

February 2- Candlemas 11:15 am with procession on Winchester Blvd. Candles will be blessed at the 11:15 am High Mass on the Feast of the Purification

Friday, February 7– First Friday Devotion. Stations of the Cross at 6pm  High Mass at 7 pm followed by Adoration and Benediction at 8:45 pm

Saturday, February 8– Catechism class at 11:15 am

Sunday, February 9– Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Saturday, February 15– Sacred Heart Society meeting at the clergy residence

Sunday, February 16– Septuagesima Sunday

Friday, February 28– Teenage Group meeting at 6:30 pm

Sunday, May 18– First Communion High Mass at St. Albert the Great church in Palo Alto at 2:00 p.m. All are wecome to attend.

March 2025

Saturday, March 1-First Saturday

Wednesday, March 5– Ash Wednesday

Friday, March 7- St. Thomas Aquinas

Wednesday, March 19- St. Joseph

Friday, March 21- St. Benedict

Tuesday, March 25-Annunciation

April 2025

Sunday, April 6- Passion Sunday

Sunday, April 13- Palm Sunday

Thursday, April 17-Holy Thursday

Friday, April 18- Good Friday

Saturday, April 19-Holy Saturday

Sunday, April 20- Easter Sunday

Saturday, April 26-Gala

May 2025

Sunday, May 18– First Communion High Mass at St. Albert the Great church in Palo Alto at 2 pm. All are welcome to attend.


New Information 

Annual Diocesan Appeal 2025

Through the Annual Diocesan Appeal, the Diocese reaches out to the faithful for their assistance with the diverse needs associated with its many works. A mailing will be sent to you from the Diocese asking for yourcontributions. Amounts collected above our goal will be returned to our Apostolate. IHM Oratory Parish Number: 253 Parish Goal: $3,510. Return mailing address: 4467 Illsley Ct. San Jose, CA 95136

Help Those Affected by the Devastating Los Angeles Wildfires: There is a donation box in the vestibule for those affected by the devastating LA wildfires. Your donations will be remitted to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles through the diocese of San Jose. God bless your generosity.

Guadalupe Hope Society Rosary & Faith Talk on February 14 You are invited to our Rosary & Faith Talk Luncheon on Friday, February 14th at 11:30 a.m. with Fr. Anthony Hernandez, Pastor of St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church. He will share a faith talk with us after the rosary. Register to attend either in person at the Santa Maria Hall in Campbell or virtually by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call to reserve your seat at the Hall: 408-447-5433. This is a free event.

St. Michael's Patrol

It’s already time to start planning for camp! The Institute’s annual California summer camp, St. Michael’s Patrol, for fathers and sons (ages 6-18), is currently enrolling. The camp features genuine fun and recreation that builds both body and soul according to the Tradition of the Catholic Church, including sports, games, the Rosary, and of course daily Mass in the Traditional Latin Rite. The camp will take place from Wednesday, July 23 – Saturday, July 26 at the beautiful Rancho Los Mochos in Livermore (18450 Mines Road). Contact Canon Norman by email to rsvp or for questions: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Coffee Hours

Please join us for coffee and refreshments after the 11:15am. Masses on January 19 & 26. Our monthly birthday blessing will be on Sunday, January 12 after the 11:15am Mass.

Social Media

We are live on social media: Facebook, Instagrm and YouTube: @ihmsanjose  

Mass Intentions: 

We will not be accepting Mass intentions until Sunday, December 15, 2024. Thank you for your understanding.

  • All families are limited to 2 intentions per month,if available.
  • Please do not request dates further than three months out.

Please include a legible email address on your submittal, and you will receive an automatic response with dates confirmed.

Standing Information

Confessions: 30 minues before Mass
Devotions following Mass:
Wednesdays: Devotion to St. Joseph
First Fridays: Stations of the Cross
Saturday: Adoration from 9:50am to 10:45am
13th - 21st every month: Immaculate Heart of Mary Novena

Please pray for: 

The Living

Martha Wilson, Leonie C. Pryor, Maritza Hall, Patrick Shapiro, Corey Liu, Alexander Edward Ortegon, Gail Gallagher, Melita Santos, Destinie Nguyen, Sebastian Nguyen, Canon Fancis Xavier de Dainville, Kathy Dias, Anthony Thomas Giacalone, Anthony Joseph Giacalone, Edmond Santos.

Departed Souls

Canon Fragelli, Gilbert Lai, Theodore Swift, Robert Ellis, Walter Avis, Gaudencio Lagria, Nestor Bacani, Maria Hoa Hoang, Richard Chavira, Bishop Patrick McGrath, Madame de Guernon, Mavic Magno, Claire Marie Dixon, Donald Navarini, Josiah Esguerra-Aguilar, Dan Field, Sandra Weaver, Msgr. Luciano Giovannetti, Enrique Fernandez. Barbara Smith, Jim Freeman.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in Thee!

If you would like to request prayers, please send a request to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

(Updated 2.3.25)

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