Canon Jacob Wells Celebrates his First Mass at the Wandering Oratory in San Jose, CA

Canon Raphael Ueda and Abbé Robert Keller served alongside Canon Wells with Abbé Paul Torreano as Master of Ceremonies.  As befits the occasion, a sizable congregation was in attendance.  The Solemn High Mass was celebrated with reverence and care, despite the challenge of having a smaller sanctuary.  The smaller sanctuary was no obstacle to celebrating the liturgy in its beautiful complexity. Canon Ueda gave a sermon expounding on the Gospel reading, reminding us to be as clever in trying to reach heaven as those who are clever in the ways of this world.  After the mass ended, people had the chance to  receive a blessing from Canon Wells.  After lining up, receiving Canon Wells’s blessing and kissing his palms in thanksgiving, we received a card to commemorate this momentous occasion. A small potluck was held afterwards to celebrate his ordination.

Canon Wells’s First Mass was an occasion that reminded us of the gift of having men who respond to the call of giving of themselves wholly and fully to serving God and His people.  Imagine, spending years in preparation, seeking to hear His voice and discerning whether this path is the path which He wishes them to walk on and saying “yes” to the call to give of oneself in bringing Christ to the people through the Sacraments.   At the Mass celebrated by Canon Wells last Sunday, he reminded us of the gravity of what he was celebrating.  It was inspiring to see him, a newly ordained priest, and Canon Ueda, a priest with several years of serving under his belt, celebrate the liturgy together. Let us continue to pray for our seminarians and priests.

Written by Mrs. Mitzi.Saguisag, member of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Oratory