Bishop’s First Visit to Kansas City Oratory

On a bright and sunny Saturday morning, April 23, His Excellency, the Most Reverend James V. Johnston, Bishop of the Diocese Kansas City-St. Joseph, came for his first pastoral visit and to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Institute apostolate at Old St. Patrick Oratory in Kansas City, MO. The liturgical celebration began with the Bishop blessing the congregation as he entered the church, while choir sang the beautiful rendition of “Ecce Sacerdos Magnus” by Anton Bruckner.  He assisted ”in choro” at the Solemn High Mass celebrated by Canon Matthew Talarico, the provincial superior of the Institute in the US. Also present were Canon Glenn Gardner, Vice-Rector of the Oratory, Fr. Evan Harkins of St. James parish in St. Joseph, MO. and Deacon Ralph Wehner, diocesan master of ceremonies, who accompanied the Bishop. Our own Abbe Alex Barga served as master of ceremonies for the Bishop. The sermon given by the Bishop focused on the importance of the example of the Blessed Virgin Mary in our lives and her close connection to the Sacrifice of her Son not only on the Cross, but also in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  A solemn Te Deum followed the Mass. Led by Canon Talarico and all the clergy, the faithful joined in the Benediction, giving thanks to God for the Church, for the recently appointed Bishop, and for the Institute’s work in Kansas City.  

The rich blessings of these 10 years are truly a cause for thanksgiving. Following the liturgical celebrations in the church, a festive reception was given in honor of Bishop Johnston at the diocesan Catholic Center. In remembrance of this occasion, Canon Talarico presented the Bishop with a gift on behalf of this Institute apostolate: a beautiful Waterford crystal cross.

- Canon Glenn Gardner, Vice-Rector