Palm Sunday in African Missions

Africa Missions

Monsignor Gilles Wach, Founder and Prior General of the Institute, celebrated the solemn Palm Sunday Liturgy on April 17 at the Institute parish Notre-Dame de Lourdes in Libreville, the capital city of Gabon. Monsignor Schmitz, Vicar General in the Institute, was also present.

Africa missionsMsgr. Wach, Archbishop Basile Mvé Engone, Msgr. Schmitz

Founded less than four years ago at the invitation of His Grace, the Most Reverend Basile Mvé Engone, S.D.B., Archbishop of Libreville (pictured at right), the parish now includes nearly one thousand families. Much progress continues to be made on the construction of the large parish church. Its unfinished shell is barely large enough to accommodate the growing numbers of faithful.

For the Palm Sunday Liturgy, over five hundred people, including many families with children, filled the church to capacity and joined in the palm procession through the streets of the city.