New Institute Apostolate in West Orange, New Jersey

With the gracious permission of the Archbishop of Newark, the Most Reverend John Myers, the Institute of Christ the King will be assigning a priest to the Latin Mass Community at St. Anthony of Padua Chapel in West Orange, Newark, New Jersey. Father Matthew Talarico, one of our newly ordained priests, has been appointed Rector of the Chapel by Archbishop Myers. Father Talarico, who has already gained good experience serving as deacon in other Institute apostolates and in carrying out many responsibilities in the Seminary will begin his work on July 17.

For the time being, Father Andreas Hellmann, Prior of the Institute's House in Chicago, replaces Father Talarico, as well as Father Richard Munkelt, who is a priest in residence. Father Talarico will celebrate his first Sunday Masses on July 22, followed by the "First blessing" of a newly ordained priest.