Update on Future of the Shrine

Structural engineers conducting an analysis of the fire damage

Structural engineers conducting an analysis of the fire damage

Recently the provincial superior, Canon Matthew Talarico, was invited to a meeting with several members of the Archdiocesan leadership in order to discuss collaborative efforts for the benefit of the Shrine community. The Archdiocese has submitted the preliminary engineering reports to the Building Commissioner of the City of Chicago for review as to the current safety status of the church building and the future viability of the structure. We are thus waiting for the results of the City’s review and will keep you updated with further information as we receive it.

During the Novena in honor of Our Lady’s Immaculate Conception, the common patroness of the United States, of the Archdiocese of Chicago and of our Institute, let us be fervent in prayer and active in charity, entrusting our Shrine family to the maternal intercession of Mary Immaculate with full confidence.