Society of Sacred Heart National Retreat

Society of the Sacred Heart

From the four corners of the United States dozens of friends of the Institute came to the Shrine of Christ the King in Chicago for the national retreat of the lay Society of the Sacred Heart.

Preached by Very Reverend Monsignor Gilles Wach, Founder and Prior General, and by priests of the Institute, the conferences focused on the spirituality of Saint Francis de Sales, the importance of the Holy Mass and Liturgy, and the daily rule of life practiced by Society members.

On Friday, June 17, Monsignor Wach offered a Solemn High Mass for Ember Friday in the Octave of Pentecost. The next day Monsignor conferred the cassock upon Abbe George Baird, who, after a one year period of prayer, reflection and service as a candidate, made the commitment to become an oblate in the Institute. A Solemn High Mass was then celebrated by Canon Brian Bovee, Rector of St. Mary's Oratory in Rockford, who is celebrating his 30th anniversary of priestly ordination this June. During this Mass Monsignor Wach preached on the Holy Priesthood as a divine gift bestowed by God upon men whom He chooses to act in His Name as His instruments.

Sacred Heart Society

In the afternoon Monsignor Wach conferred the Cross of St. Francis de Sales and thus received into the Society of the Sacred Heart friends of the Institute who had attended the general retreat the previous year. The canonical Hour of Compline being part of the daily prayer life of a member of the Society, this night office of the Church was chanted as well.

On Sunday, June 13, the faithful assisted at Solemn High Mass and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament celebrated by Monsignor Wach for the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity. A festive reception then followed.

This third annual national retreat for the Society of the Sacred Heart in the United States strengthened the unity of the Institute's spiritual family through Liturgy, Salesian spirituality, and fraternal friendship.