Company of Immaculate Girls' Summer Camp

The week of summer camp opened with a beautiful ceremony in which the camp was consecrated to the Blessed Mother. The Institute's devotion to the Blessed Mother and her maternal guardianship over us were represented by a candle which stayed lit for the duration of  the camp. Three priests, one seminarian, two oblates, and twelve ladies from the St. Mary's Oratory's (Wausau, WI) Altar and Rosary Society superintended a week of rigorous physical activities and spiritual growth for our campers, age 10 through 18.

For the ninety-eight girls who attended the Company of the Immaculate Girls' Camp (August 2-6),  this year's summer camp will be remembered not only for its cooking contest, fun games and horseback riding, but the company of saints, including Saints Gianna Molla, Therese of Lisieux, Teresa of Avila, and Saint Joan of Arc.

Catholic Girls Camp

The lives of these and other saints were introduced to the campers each day in formation talks given by priests of the Institute.  In teams, the young ladies adopted a "patron saint" for their team, and made banners to represent the spiritual values they studied.  Then in the glow of the evening camp fire, in song and friendship, the teams enacted skits on the lives of their team's patron saints.

Under the protection of Our Lady, and countless guardian angels, the daily routine of the summer camp included praying and playing: daily Mass, confessions, Rosary processions, Capture the Flag, scavenger hunt, Olympics, and the favorite, Cooking Contest—all capped with a presentation of award certificates on the last day.

"Salve, Regina, Mater misericordiae, vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra, salve." The words of the Marian hymn Salve Regina were sung in unison by the young ladies, the entire staff of this year's camp, and the parents present in the closing ceremonies of the camp. As the camp candle was extinguished, the campers departed with the light of Christ, the love of the Blessed Mother, and the prayers of the saints in their minds and hearts. Farewell, Summer Camp 2010—till next year!