Gregorian Chant Workshop at the Shrine, 2010

More than 35 schola directors and singers from various apostolates attended the Gregorian Chant Workshop for the Serious Student, which took place in March at the Shrine of Christ the King in Chicago, the Institute's operation center in the US. This marks the second consecutive year the Institute has offered this well-received workshop to the American apostolates. The workshop was taught by Canon Wulfran Lebocq, who took time away from his duties as the Choirmaster at the Institute's International Seminary in Gricigliano to come to Chicago.

In five separate presentations and in lively individual discussions, Canon Lebocq covered nomenclature, rhythmic theory of the classic Solesmes method, transposition, modes, and chironomy. The holy liturgies of Friday and Saturday in the 3rd week of Lent, Benediction, and the joyful Laetare Sunday liturgy, were integral parts of this workshop. The Propers of the Mass served as the starting point for the technical discussions about Gregorian Chant, and its prayerful character in the holy Mass.

Quite a few participants attended this workshop for the second year. "Having practiced for a whole year, so much more of the theory made sense this time around," was a sentiment expressed by one who had come last year. Both the level of enthusiasm and competence among the students indicate a growing awareness of the beauty of Gregorian Chant, and appreciation for its primary place in the liturgy. The significance of Gregorian Chant in the prayer of the Church was underscored not only in the technical presentations, but also in the two profound sermons given by Monsignor R. Michael Schmitz, the Institute's Provincial in the US, during the Friday and the Saturday Masses.

Comments from Participants

"I enjoyed the workshop and especially meeting musicians from other Institute apostolates.  It was fun to be in the choir loft for once, too."

"I enjoyed very much the Gregorian Chant Workshop and found it very informative."

"All lessons were presented well. The reading material was diverse and ranged in content from fairly easy to more complicated."

"Great workshop. I found the workshops from both years very enjoyable and profitable."

"Canon Lebocq provides a good mix in his lessons so that he speaks to people with differing levels of musical experience.'

"Monsignor's sermons were inspiring, and added to my understanding of the place of Chant in the liturgy."

"This workshop felt more like a spiritual retreat for me."