Summer Camp Testimonies

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 From a camper at this summer's camps:
Camp Immaculate Conception is the most awaited week of my year. I was excited to reconnect with my closest companions and forge new friendships. Everyone is welcoming and it feels like a family reunion. The Sister Adorers' presence is spiritually uplifting and they serve as excellent role models for us to emulate. The Canons and, particularly, Abbé Raymond provided us with laughter and, more significantly, offered guidance on how to enhance our spiritual growth. 
We begin our days with the Holy Sacrifice of Mass as there is no better way to start our day. During the games, our team collaborates to achieve victory and support each other. We must not forget about the food that is served to us to keep us going throughout the day. Going to camp allows us to reset spiritually and helps us to remember who we were made for. 
Attending Camp Immaculate Conception is an excellent way to enjoy pure fun and return home feeling ready to tackle everyday life.
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From another camper:
Attending the Institute camp was an extraordinary experience that encompassed both spiritual enrichment and physical vitality. This camp is a fantastic opportunity to get acquainted with other boys and to form good healthy friendships. 
Most importantly, we learned the importance of becoming righteous men by practicing virtues such as fortitude while participating in sports, prudence while at meals and spiritual talks and most importantly piety while attending the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with humility being the root of all these virtues. 
It was extremely exciting to work together with my team when engaging in fun activities such as flag wars, land navigation, challenging obstacle courses, water balloon battles, performing skits around the campfire and other vigorous events.
These camps are made possible with the help of the Canons and camp staff who give their time to provide a wonderful experience through their help with the games and activities, good example, discipline and encouraging attitude and spiritual needs. 
If you like to challenge your athletic ability in activities or enjoy genuine camaraderie with friends or like the ambiance of the great outdoors all while giving glory to God, this is the camp for you!
“Run, jump, have all the fun you want at the right time, but, for heaven’s sake, do not commit sin!” - St. Philip Neri
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Next year, consider offering the gift of faith, friendship, and fun by having them attend the Institute's summer camps!