

From October 23 to October 31,  the Institute of Christ the King invites everyone to join in a special spiritual opportunity: Giving Glory to Our King: Novena of Gratitude to the Christ Child. This prayer campaign aims to increase faith, hope, and gratitude to our Infant King.  
3 Ways to participate: 
1. Give glory to God daily, from October 23 to 31, by praying the Novena Prayer to our Infant King.

Be generous each day in giving your time and effort as a sacrifice to Christ our Infant King.  He has promised us: "The more you honor Me, the more I will bless you!"
2. Tune in each day to hear a testimony in a brief new video message and share these video messages of gratitude with your family and friends.
Hear real life stories from our friends across the country about how Christ the Infant King grants His blessings to those who are faithful to this devotion.  Join us at 8am ET on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube for the debut of their beautiful testimonies.  Follow the Institute on Social Media at "@ICKSP" and join our Flocknote e-newsletter by texting Institute to 84576. Spread the word and share these personal testimonies with others!  May these stories open souls to divine grace and move hearts to honor Christ as our King.
3. Submit your Ex Voto message of gratitude to the Christ Child  and spread the devotion worldwide.
In continuity with the ancient tradition of ex voto messages, read brief stories from many other grateful souls who have received God's graces through the Novena to the Infant King. If you wish, you may also share your own story here:  



Day 1

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Day 7

Day 7

Day 8

Day 8
Day 9


Testimonial Day 4

Day 4 - Pekny Family Testimony

As a family of 9 children, we have been blessed over the years with many infants in our home. Many times, when we’ve brought the newborn home in those first few days, the older children hover; move in close to see the teeny limbs, fingers and toes. At an instant they are sighing in admiration as the tiny babe sniffles, hiccups or opens a bleary eye. They squeal with delight when the small child clasps hold of their finger with such a grasp that it seems he won’t let go. Such affection given to this fragile, helpless, babe can only be magnified when we look upon the Divine Infant Jesus reaching out his hands to us from the creche or triumphantly standing and giving a blessing holding the world in His hands. Devotion to the Infant King is as comfortable and heart rendering as longingly gazing upon a defenseless infant coming into the hearts and homes of a family. Baby Jesus did just that for all mankind. He humbly came into our earthly world to save us from all sin. If tiny newborns can move our souls to love unconditionally, how much more can our Infant King move and guide our souls to Sainthood?

With this devotion to the Infant King, we have been blessed with many joys and have been led through many hardships. We remember, in particular, a friend praying for our son who was critically ill during his infancy. He prayed for our son in front of the statue of the Infant King. Little did our friend know that our son was coming home from an exhausting, perilous and quite lengthy hospital stay that very day. This year, our son turns 8, and we owe a great deal of gratitude to our Infant King for carrying our son and our entire family through the struggles we faced when he was so small, sick and vulnerable. As our Lord has said, “The more you honor Me, the more I will bless you.”


Testimonial Day 6

Day 6 - I-Wen Connick Testimony

Even from his mother’s womb, Saint John the Baptist leapt with joy upon his first meeting with Our Lord in utero. Kings came from afar to seek and to worship a newborn baby whom they knew to be King and Lord. Mary and Joseph adored and loved Baby Jesus. So why not me?

Our Creator, God Almighty, so loved us that He stooped to take on our human nature as a baby, to experience all human frailties, including the indignities of our most helpless and dependent state. That He embraced the Incarnation as a human infant, with full foreknowledge of His destiny on the Cross is an incomprehensible mystery that filled me with gratitude and love.

In these past years of contemplating Him, I have found that it is so easy to show my love to the Divine Infant, and so easy to experience God’s infinite love and forgiveness from Him as an Infant. I find myself gravitated towards Jesus my Lord in the Infant King when I find myself troubled or in great need. In praying to Him, the unconditional love is immediate and pure comfort. Instinctively, we know and feel mutual attachment and bonding with an innocent, pure, loving baby, and the Infant King is as innocent and pure and loving as they come. He has always answered my prayers, granted me many blessings, and accepted my love.

I have contemplated the image of the Infant King statue from the Shrine much and often through the years. The countenance and attitude of this particular rendition of the Infant King have inspired me to love Jesus more, to recognize His majesty, His loving sacrifice, and thus to be His servant and disciple. St. Bernard’s words say it best about this devotion: “Great is the lord and greatly to be praised; little is the Lord and greatly to be loved.”

Testimonial Day 9

Day 9 - Moran Family Testimony

The love mankind shares for a child comes easily due to the natural sincerity, innocence and affable qualities blessed upon the nature of children. It would seem that God, in His perfect understanding of His Creation, has provided man with the opportunity to approach Him with this same easy love, and the Incarnation is the most profound example. It would follow that the manner of Christ’s entry into this world is not necessary for God but rather, necessary for us to follow Him.

The treasured image of St. Joseph and the Blessed Mother bowed over the cradle of Christ the Infant King with all love and care of good parents and in humble worship of the Divine Child, communicates to our family a scene full of joy, humility and charity to cherish and emulate. It is a scene not just to be contemplated once a year but one that continually provides clarity on how we must adore Our Lord and live out our lives. The gaze of St. Joseph and Our Lady upon the tender Child, draws us to the devotion of the Infant King, and we approach Him as did the shepherds and the Maji, with bowed head and on bended knee.

Since eternity has no time; God as the Infant King is the same Just Judge and Glorious King of all ages. How merciful God is to allow us to approach Him as a child and with such ease! In this way, our hearts are softened by the gentle image of the Christ Child to surrender in selflessness and align our hearts to the Will of the Infant King.

Saint Patrick Parish and Oratory in Waterbury, Connecticut run by the Institute of Christ the King, offers us a life that is rich in the divine sacraments. Canon Joel Estrada and Abbé Kevin Kerscher guide the parish with exemplary leadership by offering the highest level of praise, glory, order and beauty to Christ the Infant King in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. As parishioners at St. Patrick’s these last two years, we have been incredibly fortunate to share as members in this growing and vibrant parish of faithful Catholics. As made evident by the name, the devotion to Christ the King is at the heart of the Institute of Christ the King. We are thus continually encouraged to cultivate this particular devotion keeping it dear and alive in our hearts.







Join the Institute in the Restoration of Catholic life and culture in America by helping us build our U.S. Provincial Shrine of Christ the King for the greater glory of our Divine Savior and for the salvation of souls today.










From October 22 to October 30,  the Institute of Christ the King invites everyone to join in a special spiritual opportunity: Giving Glory to Our King: Novena of Gratitude to the Christ Child. This prayer campaign aims to increase faith, hope, and gratitude to our Infant King.  
3 Ways to participate: 
1. Give glory to God daily, from October 22 to 30, by praying the Novena Prayer to our Infant King.

Be generous each day in giving your time and effort as a sacrifice to Christ our Infant King.  He has promised us: "The more you honor Me, the more I will bless you!"
2. Check in each day to view a brief new message and share these messages of gratitude with your family and friends.
Follow the Institute on Social Media at "@ICKSP" and join our Flocknote e-newsletter by texting Institute to 84576. Spread the word and share these personal testimonies with others!  May these stories open souls to divine grace and move hearts to honor Christ as our King.
3. Submit your Ex Voto message of gratitude to the Christ Child  and spread the devotion worldwide.
In continuity with the ancient tradition of ex voto messages, read brief stories from many other grateful souls who have received God's graces through the Novena to the Infant King. If you wish, you may also share your own story here:  


Day 9

St. Francis de Sales loved the Feast of the Nativity, when the Son of God Incarnate was born as the Babe of Bethlehem.

Jesus did not choose to come as a great and powerful Lord. We would have been overwhelmed by such a distant King. Our fidelity would be forced and fearful. Rather, the Son of God came as a small Infant to move us more easily to love Him in return, because He came not to judge the world, but to save it.

What can possibly be more attractive than the sight of a dear little Child?

The smile of the Infant disarms our pride and deflates our resistance to grace. The gentle look of this Child reminds us that God’s truth is loveable and good for us. The Infant King remains majestic yet approachable; divine, yet human; the Almighty, but not intimidating.

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Our Catholic Mission





Restore FamilyPhoto

The Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest is a young, growing Society of Apostolic Life within the Roman Catholic Church. Under the patronage of the Immaculate Conception, the Institute is devoted to promoting the benevolent reign of our Lord Jesus Christ in all aspects of human life for the greater glory of God and for the eternal salvation of souls.

Restore ElevationRestore SeminariansRestore-Sisters

Recognizing the deep harmony between faith and culture as well as the power of beauty to attract souls to the things of God, the Institute strives to “live the truth in charity” (Ephesians 4:15), in order to effectively bring the perennial beauty, truth, and goodness of the Gospel to the world today.

Restore Full ChurchRestore ParishLifeRestore Charity

Our Catholic mission, therefore, is nothing other than to do what our Blessed Lord Himself commanded His Apostles to do and commands His Church to continue until the end of time: “Teach ye all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you, and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world.” (Matthew 28:19-20).

Restore BaptismRestore New PriestsRestore Holy Communion

By doing well what the Church has always done, while defending her right to continue her divine mission, we trust in the grace of Almighty God to help us restore Catholic life and culture in the world today for the salvation of souls and for the greater glory of Jesus Christ our Sovereign King.

Restore Cardinal BlessingRestore ProstrationRestore Spritual Stones








An Inspiring Vision





To the angels, our churches are the frontier between heaven and earth. Here, the angels worship God side by side with men, women and children, and the accord of our adoration unifies the chasm between time and eternity. Within these sacred walls, heaven and earth are one. How evident this becomes when our earthly churches remind us of heaven, when the invisible mysteries of eternity are made visible for us to behold! In heaven, as on earth, Christ is King. How much more therefore must our Divine Lord be properly enthroned in our nation’s Shrine of Christ the King?

This is the mission and charism of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest: to enthrone Jesus Christ as King in every aspect of human life. This begins in our churches, and it must be most evident within our namesake Provincial Shrine of Christ the King.

Restore ConceptRendering

Designed by architect William Heyer, the classical basilica-style interior will reflect the genius of Henry Schlacks’ original vision to bring the beauty of Rome to the United States. Heyer has embellished the interior design with details inspired by some of the most beautiful churches ever built by the hands of men.

Restore BlueprintRestore St Peter NaveRestore St Peter Aps

The stately nobility of the high altar was inspired by the same majestic piece in the Institute’s beautiful Florentine church of Sts. Michael and Cajetan. This already impressive structure is crowned by a dazzling “Gloria” conceived and designed by the artistic genius of Abbe Alexander Willweber, a clerical oblate brother of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. This majestic “cloud of glory” is to be the throne of Christ the King and the focal point of the Provincial Shrine.

Restore High AltarRestore Florence


Restore VespersRestore Divine Infant

Inspired by the love, piety, and devotion of those who have gone before us and those who have handed down to us the treasure of our Faith, the interior of the Institute’s Provincial Shrine of Christ the King will reflect the majesty and beauty of heaven. For the love of our Divine King, the Provincial Shrine of Christ the King will unite both time and place with eternity to serve and adore our Lord Jesus Christ now and forever.

In these difficult times in the world and in the Church, this Spiritual Stronghold will serve the Institute as our Provincial Headquarters in the United States. As our young Institute continues to grow nationwide, having a Provincial Headquarters is critical in continuing our mission to restore Catholic life and culture in America.

Would you like to help restore Catholic culture and parish life in America?

Consider making a donation to help us build our U.S. Provincial Shrine of Christ the King so the Institute can continue to help “rebuild the Church” in the USA.








Completed Work












Giving Opportunities





Phase II Giving Opportunities

These gift items are critical for the completion of Phase II of this monumental project.

Please prayerfully consider a gift to our U.S. Provincial Shrine of Christ the King & Headquarters Capital Campaign.  Your generosity helps us continue building this Spiritual Stronghold.  Help us restore Catholic life and culture in America for the salvation of souls.  Thank you, and may Christ our King bless you always!

Shrine Interior Framing & Drywall (8 sections)



Shrine Electrical System (3 sections)



Shrine Heating System (4 sections)



Shrine Air Conditioning System (4 sections)



Shrine Plumbing System (3 sections)



Shrine Sprinkler & Security System (2 sections)



Shrine Interior Lighting System (4 sections)



Shrine Exterior Lighting System (4 sections)



Shrine Sound System (2 sections)



Shrine Concrete Subflooring (12 sections)



Shrine Exterior Doors (10)



Shrine Interior Doors (16)



Shrine Façade Windows (6)



Parking Lot Decorative Fence (8 sections)



Parking Lot Resurfacing (12 sections)



Parking Lot Lighting (6 sections)



Headquarters Building Bedrooms & Guestrooms (12)



Headquarters Building Bathrooms (10)



Headquarters Building Offices (5)



Headquarters Building Windows (52)



Headquarters Building Lighting (52 fixtures)



Campus Landscaping (12 sections)



Restore Giving1
Restore Giving2

“Out of God’s gifts, we make gifts to God; and from us, He receives what He first gave to us.”
     St. Augustine

Item prices may differ from their actual costs. Gift contributions may be made in full over a five-year period.


Click here for flyer of Giving Opportunities









March For Life 2019

March For Life 2019

Sursum Corda is a nationwide initiative to foster the spiritual lives of the young adults in the apostolates of the Institute of Christ the King.



Lessons in Latin: The History of the Parts of the Mass is a multi-part series sharing the beauty and the history of the parts of the Mass.

Link to episodes


Episode 12
Understanding the Mass, Episode 12: The Preface
Episode 11
Understanding the Mass, Episode 11: The Offertory
Episode 10
The Creed
The Gospel: Presented by Institute of Christ the King
Gradual, High Mass and Low Mass - August 27, 2022


Readings of Sacred Scripture and Gospel - >August 13, 2022


The Collect prayers, the first time the priest addresses the people - July 23, 2022


How does the Gloria fit into the Mass? - June 25, 2022


Historical elements, Kyrie eleison, litany, intriot, antiphon, invocations - June 11, 2022


Understanding the prayers at the foot of the altar - May 28, 2022


The moving parts - preparation,procession, vesting, application to the liturgy - May 7, 2022


INTRODUCTION: Introit (Procession and preparation for Mass) - April 23, 2022



Consecration to the Immaculate Conception

Dedication to Christ the King