Pope Benedict Receives Institute Superiors

Pope Benedict, Monsignor Wach, Schmitz

His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, recently received in an audience the Founder and Prior General of the Institute, Monsignor Gilles Wach, and his parents, granting them a papal blessing on their 65th wedding anniversary. Monsignor Wach presented His Holiness with the newest CD of Gregorian Chant sung by the Institute's seminarians and Sisters Adorers, as well as with a special album including photos from recent Ordinations.

Pope Benedict inquired as to the progress of the Institute and listened intently as Monsignor described the worldwide rapid growth and the ever-increasing numbers of vocations for the Institute. His Holiness also warmly greeted the Vicar General of the Institute, Monsignor R. Michael Schmitz, whom he had ordained to the holy priesthood nearly thirty years ago.

In gratitude to His Holiness, the Institute superiors offered him a complete set of green liturgical vestments, custom made in Pope Benedict's native Bavaria and especially designed by the Institute's Art Director and designer, Abbe Alexander Willweber, himself a native of Bavaria. A clerical oblate ordained to the subdiaconate, Abbe Willweber has received the Papal medal bene merenti for his artistic work in the restoration of churches. Upon seeing the vestments His Holiness expressed immediately joyful satisfaction: "You see, they make beautiful things in Bavaria!"

With a fatherly smile His Holiness spoke words of encouragement and support of the Institute in its mission to bring the Reign of Christ to all spheres of society and human life through the celebration of the Liturgy and the promotion of Catholic culture and beauty.